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Has anyone used ASND Inc. to help delay auction/sale of their home?
5/11/2010 10:42 AM (PST)
Has anyone used ASND Inc. (based in Santa Ana, CA) to delay the auction/sale of their home? If so, I'd like feedback on their service. Anything you are willing to share will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
5/11/2010 11:48 AM (PST)
They have a D rating with the BBB, which is very low but likely due to type of business being problematice to the industry and also for lack of information on the company.
In light of our current economic situation, several companies have essentially jumped on the loan modification, forensic audit or foreclosure consultant band-wagon claiming the ability to help people save their home. The problem is that they offer guarantees and up front fees and people end up losing their homes and their fees!
Do yourself a favor and do your homework! Have you tried calling a HUD-approved nonprofit housing counselor? You can speak with a certified counselor by calling 888-995-4673. They can evaluate your housing options, open lines of communication with mortgage lenders, negotiate a loan modification, and help you with household budgeting, all at no cost.
The California Attorney General's press release on "forensic loan audits" is posted here on TrustLink under New Scams.
For more info on loan modification, check out the LABBB's Facebook page at:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856
Specifically, check out the "Notes" on various loan mod topics and info that can apply to homeowners anywhere.
Also, check out the "loan modification" tagged questions here on this forum.
Link to Foreclosure Frauds and Fixes:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856#!/note.php?note_id=203244587194
Link to “BBB of the Southland: California Attorney General Warns Homeowners to Avoid Forensic Loan Audits”
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856#!/notes/bbb-of-the-southland/california-attorney-general-warns-homeowners-to-avoid-forensic-loan-audits/349630582194
also: www.preventloanscams.org
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