Review 7/27/2011
I'm mostly excited because when I started I wasn't feeling confident. I was worried that I got myself into something I really knew nothing about. But, they assured me that anyone could do it as long as they applied themselves. I have to be honest. I went almost a month without dong anything. I got really excited when I heard about it and all these people making money. But, then I was afraid to do anything. Then I watched one of the webinars and my fears started to go and I was ready. I ended using one of the coaching programs and I am so glad I did. The help is priceless. I am learning things that I would pay a college education for because it has been so valuable. I started seeing results within two weeks and I am finally feeling like an adequate contributor to my family. My husband is really proud of me and laughs at how addicted I have become to making sites. I also got his eBay program and I am even trading domains with his SpeeTrada. I feel like I really stepped into the good stuff, if you know what I mean. I want people to know that it's never too late to start.